Client: Merritt Benz
Category: Web Design
Task: Design a creative website for a therapy organization
Bedford Therapy Group is a Kansas City based therapy organization that offers a variety of services from couseling, workshops, and corporate consulting. Working with Merritt, we developed a one-page design that truly highlights the beauty of typography and personal images.
The menu follows as you scroll through the homepage. Animated content displays quickly and creates a three dimensional feel. And in the meantime you’re captivated by the gorgeous text, amazing photography, and Merritt’s powerful message.
The site is fully responsive and will adapt to all screen sizes. Additionally, the site includes various registration forms for each group, workshop, and counseling services offered. These forms are easy to edit using our drag-and-drop system and fully integrate with PayPal, MailChimp, and others.
While we don’t highlight it often, many of the images used in our designs are our own. In this case, we held a photoshoot at the Bedford office. We not only collected portrait shots of the bedford team, but the beauty of the restored home inspired an entire day of pictures.